Monday, April 26, 2010

Where are you looking?

Everyone on this beautiful planet has issues.
Yes even you.
They have stuff they hold onto,
for SO many different reasons.
My Pastor has been challenging me to let GO!
I have baggage just like everyone else, which makes this hike even harder.
Life is like a very hard, beautiful, and rewarding hike in my eyes. 
Adventure around every corner(some times you need to open your eyes to it) and it gets intense sometimes.
You need your community to help encourage and push you through it and other times you are that encourager for others needing help on this hike.
On a hike you bring only the necessities not a duffel bag of useless items that just
make the hike that much harder!
That's what this baggage is in life, unnecessary items that you want to bring along for some weird, and sometimes twisted, reason.
You know they exist and don't want them but you don't 
want to let go cause then there is nothing to blame for your struggle but
the things that you need to fix or get rid of in your life.
The fault is on YOU.
Even if you were not the one to cause the event.

I took some pictures today that may help a little with illustrating how you look at life.

You are looking at the past in your mirror and around you as well but...
that's not enough you can't see where your stepping, you will fall
you will blame it on something in the past that caused you to fall this way.

You are too busy looking at how dirty you are and what you have done in the past to even let your eyes be on the present or future.  
You ask yourself "how can life even go on normally, I have messed up too much, for any human or even God to love me."
You are too focused on yourself.

And then there is the mindset of trying to look into the future but its really blurry.
You look into the past but someone has really done something to hurt you. 
So life looks messy and confusing and extremely hard to even go anywhere you can't
look back or forward. 
You are damaged.
It probably wasn't your fault but for some reason you can't let go of it or that person that hurt you.

Why am I talking about this?
Is there hope for us dirty, selfish, and dwellers of the past?

I say YES!
Yes there is indeed!
God tells us to draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

The best way I know how to draw near to Him is to explore and get to know who He is...
how do I do that?
I explore His WILD side : D
 Look at Him and He will put you where you need to be and heal the past.
This isn't always easy,
sometimes the hurt you have had
(caused by you or someone else)
has closed but there is bad stuff underneath,
meaning it has to be reopened to finally clean and heal correctly.

There should be no mirror except for the one you look in to see if you look like Christ.
If you don't look like Him keep asking Him to change that,
then be ready.
Ready to start the healing

Leave your bags and luggage at your temporary home
live with passion and vigor to fight to get to the top of the mountain.

Leave it at His feet and depend on Him and only
to fix it.

There is a lot more levels to this whole concept that I do not know/understand.
If you have questions about what I said feel free to ask me!


  1. I love this post. I know I'm going to reread it often. I don't get all of it but I get some of it and those parts are hitting me hard, in a good way. I can't wait to reread it and understand the rest. :D

  2. You are the first one to comment on my actual blog, and can I just say that it is a VERY good first! You just gave me a huge encouragement boost!
    If you have questions let me know and I would love to just talk about it with you!
