Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The 2nd King.

Okay so in my devo time as of lately I have been in 2 Kings and Matthew.
Let me tell you,
I tend to get way more out of my New Testament reading than I do my Old.
BUT.... not this time!
Starting in Chapter 18 Hezekiah became king of Israel.
Up until now the majority of kings would do what we call 
"EVERYTHING that is WRONG with being the King of God's people"
or not in GCSV (Ginny Catlin Sallaway Version)
"He did what was evil in the LORD'S sight..."
This was NOT Hezekiah!
He was 25 when He came into "office" and ruled for 29 years
(side note: this is all stuff said in the 1st couple verses don't think I'm ubber scholarly or something lol)
FIRST POINT: 25 freakin years old! That's five years away from now for me!
I have been thinking a lot this summer about my future, something 
I had never really THOUGHT about till now cause I have had a "full proof" plan since I was
That plan has been crushed and blown away in the wind.
My future is affected by the decisions I make now as a young 20 year old.
That doesn't just mean the major I pick for school or my summer and year long jobs,
it also means the everyday choices! (pretty obvious but not comprehensive till now)
Like if I am going to sit and spend an hour total on facebook each day, working out, who I affiliate myself with, and the thoughts I have/day dreaming.
These all build habits and make me into the woman I will be! 
Okay on with 2 Kings!
SECOND  POINT: He was a man!
When war came knocking on His doorstep He fought but not in the way most would.
He was willing to go out and kick some butt with His physical strength but instead 
He fell to His knees.
I don't know very many men or women, for that reason, to get on there knees when things get rough.
They try to fix it.
He takes the physical letter that He got from His enemy lays it open in the temple, 
gets the Priests, Elders, and Court Secretary to pray and come together as a
When He laid it out He prayed and He prayed HARD.
God uses a Isaiah to speak to Him about how He will take care of things in so many words : )
Then that night 185,000 Assyrian's were struck down. The dead bodies where found in the morning and Hezekiah's enemy ran back home later to be killed by His own sons!
Truth got rid of Evil.
Unfortunately Hezekiah's legacy did not live on and that is my 
THIRD POINT: Manasseh, Hezekiah's son, was 12 when He became King. 
He did what I said earlier:
"EVERYTHING that is WRONG with being the King of God's people"
He looked to false prophets (something that my generation has a problem with, I think.), worshiping false gods (again another problem a little more obvious), sacrificing His children through fire, and all that "great" stuff.
The point is that we always have a weak point:
We may be great at prayer and being a warrior but not a great teacher of those
ways of living to the generation coming behind us.
We may be...you fill in the blank we are all different!
God will ALWAYS be working on us in every moment of our life.
Someone said a couple months ago in our Bible Study up in Flag that we need to pray that God
would open our eyes to things around us.
I started to do that
and He has faithfully answered and keeps answering when I keep asking.
He will open your eyes and show you how to fix what you need to 
fix and He will help you do it.

The next post I have is of a song by one of my favorite bands Addison Road.
It's not the official video but they don't have an official yet so 
don't be snobby and watch it 
and listen to the words.

2 Kings video post