Saturday, March 27, 2010

A WILD Heart

So recently I have been asked out by God. That's right you read it correctly, for several years now He has been getting to know me and teaching me about myself. Now it's time for it to go the other way :) For the last three weeks I have gone on a date with Him at least once. Also in that time I have read Wild at Heart by John Eldridge.
WOW...that's the only word I can use to describe it. I first learned A LOT about men in general and how they think but...they have those characteristics because God has them!!! Women are the same way just with different characteristics! That's just amazing to me, I NEVER realized that!
So back to my recent date with God, I got up at 4:15 am so that I could go out to my FAVORITE place in the world which is little over an hour away from my dorm. I was headed out and I kinda had a feeling that the road would be closed but I was gonna try anyways.
Well....I got out about 30min into the woods and guessss what!?! The road was closed after the dumb Arboretum...
O let me tell you I got mad! I think partially because of the early morning and then I was upset at God for not "providing". Really...Really Ginny you are upset because God didn't provide a way all the way out....
I don't know about you but when I am on a date with a guy and it doesn't go directly to the planned events of the night I don't freak out and say "You are not providing for me!" Stupid :D It's more of an adventure when that happens and I LOVE it!
I changed my the way I was thinking pretty darn quick and apologized. I looked out the window and saw a bizillion stars! It was BEAUTIFUL! I sat there for a bit with my lights and engine off admiring the beauty of God's creation!
.....Slowly at first and then VERY VERY rapidly a FEAR that grips your heart with sinking claws overtook me. What was it? O that's right you're out in the middle of no where the WILDERNESS!
Quickly the lights were on and I was heading out of that fores no time to think about my decision.

Men's hearts are you get that...WILD. I thought I got it but not till I was out in the dark, alone, in the "unruly" world, and fearing to even be in my own car alone did I get it. You're probably a little confused... Let me try and explain. It goes with what I was saying just a little bit earlier, that the reason why men are "wild" and crave to be in the wild is because it is the same with God. His heart is mysterious and wild. So when I was out there God was speaking to my heart and I could apply the wildness to understanding men better... but was I not on a date with God and not a man? : D Well God was whispering to me to stay a little longer in His heart even though it was scary and wild. He asked me to explore His wild heart for just a bit longer and that it wouldn't be to scary if I trusted Him. Well let me tell you after a couple hundred pictures (244 to be exact), a sunrise, and nap in my jeep...I think I understand a very small amount more about God's WILD heart.
Men I respect you more, Women I encourage you to say yes to God when He asks you to go on a date and explore His wild side that we too often do not get.

These pictures are of how the morning sunrise happened. I played with a couple of the pictures to make them swirl a little. I got to go to three different areas so basically... really fun! I was chasing the sunrise : D

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